Dani Christine, M.S.ed
Owner, Consultant, Creator
Dani developed her interest in child care at an early age of 5 years old. It was then that she was sure she wanted to become a teacher. As time went on, her interests and experience grew. While she never lost her love for education, she gained an appreciation for entrepreneurship.
During her undergraduate studies at St. John's University, Dani worked full time as an Assistant Teacher at a local day care center in her in Long Island, NY. After receiving her Bachelor's Degree in Childhood Education (1-6) with a concentration in Psychology, Dani went on to pursue her M.S.ed at Touro College. She received her Master's in Early Childhood & Special Education (B-2) within a year and a half.
In addition to being a full time student and a full time employee, Dani worked tirelessly to start up her first home-based child care business located in Queens, NY, a group family day care licensed to care for a total of 16 children. Three years later, Dani went on to open her first center-based location in Nassau County, NY. Currently, with four child care centers, 22 different classrooms and over 40 employees, today Dani currently has established automated systems for her business to run on.
During her operations of both day care programs, Dani gained contracts and partnerships with outside organizations to help improve the quality of care and education, and to expand her clientele. For instance, her programs accept child care subsidies from the local City and County child care units. Therefore, she was able to provide child care for low-income families who could not otherwise afford the cost on their own. Additionally, Dani enrolled her day care programs in the New York State Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in order to provide nutritious meals and snacks to each child at no cost to the parents.
Dani's experience also expands to grant writing. In 2017, Dani submitted her proposal to the local school district to access funding to offer Universal Pre-K (UPK) to eligible children in her program's school district. Her proposal was granted as the top submission within the district. Dani's proposal submissions have also been selected by New York State as a the selected child care provider on a state university campus.
With a passion for both education and business, Dani aspires to help others who share the same goal to develop a thriving business, provide high quality child care, and create a positive impact on early learning.